It is 12:10 in the AM and this is perspectives. (anyone pick up on the tim meadows reference?) nice quasi-relaxing day of video games, tv, math hw, and a lil top secret valentine's stuff. We got a big BP7 game tomorrow night, but apparently pick-master John is working and will not be attending...a damn shame. I'm skippin my 330 stats class tomorrow to go pick up Katie for a Valentine's Weekend Bonanza here at Uconn. Should be a real good weekend :) Uconn vs Pitt on Sunday...after both teams lost Monday night...I don't know if it's gonna be an enjoyable one to watch the way we're so inconsistent! William Hung update: he currently has t-shirts and buttons available on e-bay...I'm so tempted, but alas my finances are low, and income is zero. Note to Uconn students: South dining hall has horrible vodka sauce...just looking at it made me regret putting it on my pasta. I'm curious as to who reads these...so if you do and you enjoy it let me know...perhaps I can write more entertaining little "blogs" if I know my audience. Don't have too much else to say...just bored so I decided to blog it up! Oh and if you've never seen it...check out "Best In Show" on the Uconn movie channel this week...freakin hilarious film! Alright so I'm out...and I'll see some of you tomorrow ;-)
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