Killing some time and doin a lil blog on last night's Miami-Uconn game...Overall, a pretty boring game actually. The team really didn't look too good except for a few moments here and there. Rashad and his streakiness fortunately prevented the game from getting close. Some entertaining events tho with Charlie getting T'ed up, and Jim kicking a chair AND an espn sign. But now I must get down to the important issues that upset me and my fellow MWHITEFC member tim fraser. For those of you who do not attend the Uconn basketball games...there's a group of "fans" who wear "ZooConn" shirts with "shocker" references...absolutely no relevance at all to the basketball team. So as they're usually obnoxious and intoxicated at every game yelling at some of our own fans, they decide to yell during Uconn free throws, chant "overrated" at our team, as well as screaming "Gordon is a bitch" for about half the game. It's one thing to make a comment about our team's poor play...but to scream at our team how crappy they are is bullshit. The Marcus White Fan Club does not appreciate the lack of love for our players. Here's a shameless fan club picture promo courtesy of Kim...

Let's also mention that they taunted Darius Rice all game who was injured and I'm sure was real hurt by the comments considering he single handedly beat us last year. The "ZooConn" (hey aren't the fans at Pittsburgh, one of our biggest rivals, the zoo???) is one of the dumbest things I've seen at Uconn games. Ok, enough ranting about that for now...big game monday night for the BP7...since we won our game by forfeit, we will be playing a lil scrimmage. Tim's team vs Murph's team...Tim CLEARLY has the advantage with him, Chris, John, Pat, and myself, against Murph, Logan, Sal, Greg, and Dave. Their running game will be screeched to a halt! Dare I say I may even put up my first points since the first game...It'll be like a team of Marcus Whites going up against a team of Hilton Armstrongs. DOMINATION! So let's see what else is new...not too much really. About 2 weeks til spring break when I get to see my girlfriend all week. woohoo! And of course quality time with the family is always interesting. OH BIG NEWS! I'm finally getting a new computer, I already traded in my old crappy one for $275. And with an addition $450 new laptop will end up being like $700! Holla! Ok so this was an angry rant of a blog...I apologize, but I could not let Tim down by not being heard! Big birthday week coming up with grandma, Tim, and brother Jeff all having birthdays! So happy birthday to all! So that's about it for this blog...peace out all...and "how bout I love Katie" :)
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