
Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Well well has been a loooong time since this page has been active, I don't know why I'm attempting to put some life back into it, but hey who knows maybe it can manage a comeback. I'm also going to use this as a procrastination device for the next few days as I am dreading my Wednesday night midterm, followed by 2 Thursday midterms. So much crap to get through before the all important spring break trip (and NEW 1-hr arrested development sunday night). I'll kick it old school and use the old line by line random thoughts ish I used back in the day.

--i really hope that there's enough snow to cancel classes tomorrow and miraculously force one of my 2 midterms on thursday to be pushed back til after spring break...its possible right?
--riddles and jokes on popsicle sticks are fun for all ages
--new facebook pic up from saturdays party in which i of course had to remove my shirt
--speaking of being topless...having a bite mark on my shoulder may hurt my ability to "kick mad game" over better be gone by then!!!
--"dance contest winner" tshirt is on its way to me via e-bay...sadly i have no uconn games left to attend to rock it at
--paintman/painted kid is a huge loser (its science)
--my brother is the early frontrunner for funniest story of the year...if you havent heard it yet ask me about it
--im gonna start watching wrestling again for the next few weeks to get pumped up for the upcoming wrestlemania party
--I LOVE THE KNICKS...3 wins in a row is going to do nothing but make me assume they will win every game for the rest of the season
--i enjoy being president in asshole because i can make people say jumanji and hafta hold shit while they play
--someone tell these plows to go to bed and let the snow pile up on the roads
--theres no better gift than a playboy cover signed (on her thigh) by all of your closest friends
--my BP7 career is complete...kind of sad, but i feel i played my best ball in these last few games of the season and wish all of you guys the best of luck next year
--you go glen coco
--i think the blazer/t-shirt/bright orange hat look is going to start a fashion trend
--murph has the ability to correctly guess the first card i pick, and then the ability to not get another card correct again in his life
--willimantic is a fucked up town (FROGS!!!)

Alright well I don't really have much else to say. I don't know why I'm going back to using proper grammar, while ignoring it for the random stuff. Oh well. Hope you guys enjoy my first post back from the dead. Lata!


At 2:19 AM, Blogger Shaun said...



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