ok so procrastination for studying for my stat exam is keepin me on the computer, and the BLOG will allow me to further delay studying. so when i last left you all i left you with some good nerd video and the great blackwolf the dragon master's home page. since then not a great deal has happened. we had our "scrimmage" monday night and since half of murphs team didnt show up, i got to be the lucky one who couldnt hit a free throw and got to switch teams. didnt get killed TOO bad in the end. it was still fun though...and a good warmup for our big postseason tournament starting tomorrow night for the BP7. lets see what else is new...haha i think thats about all. going home this weekend to get my laptop, i may or may not have mentioned that in a previous blog entry. celebrating the younger brothers birthday then back here on sunday for one more week of school til spring break. my goal of acquiring money over break will consist of scratch off lottery tickets and family poker games where i made some nice money last time i played with them. all those hours of watching the world series of poker better pay off! in other news, my girlfriend has had more than 1 dream about my grandmother, i really dont know what to make about that...little weird if you ask me :-P cant be too mean though, as my old school mariners hat she bought for me is in the process of being shipped here...hopefully today or tomorrow in the mail...old school yellow S! not gonna post any pics with this one...not sure if theyre working anyways. some people tell me they show up, others tell me they dont...so who knows. i think the pics spice up the page a little and break it up from just being lots of pete rants. alright well i should go get started on my stats now, and by get started i mean go check my mail in a few minutes. til next time, pizzout yall!
You've got blog on you
Let's see if I can actually keep this thing updated every now and then
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