havent posted in over a week so id figure id finally update this thing. ive been subbing for the same class for 3 days, actually like trying to teach the kids with some overheads and going over some problems. not a bad experience, it wasnt too hard getting them to take notes, but as for doing the work in the books and stuff not really getting much done. last week i think i subbed 4 of the days which wasnt bad. hopefully ill work all 5 this week, having already worked 3 of 3. this past weekend was a lot of drinking in sono. had a crap hangover saturday til late afternoon but that didnt stop me from going out again saturday night. sunday night was the super bowl, and for the third straight year the team i was rooting for lost. oh well maybe next year.
so lets move from the past and look toward the future. (the future conan?) yes the future, all the way to the year 2000. (in the year 2000, in the year 2000). honestly if u dont watch conan much all of that will make absolutely no sense to you. so anyway tonight im going to hartford for a uconn-syracuse game at 9. melissa had some tickets she needed to sell and i took them on, esp since i havent been to a uconn game yet this year even thouigh ive already gone to 4 knicks games. so that should be fun as long as we dont lose. this weekend should be fun too. friday night im gonna be going up to uconn to bid farewell to the best f'in show ive ever seen, arrested development. me shaunzie and murph and whoever else will watch the final 2 hrs of this (hopefully season, not) series. and just knowing how fox loves to give this show a chance in the ratings, theyre putting it up against the opening ceremonies of the olympics. im gonna assume most networks are probably just showing repeats of their shows, while our season finale gets stopmed into the ground. then saturday should be interesting, i have a semi-blind date with a gal ive been talking to online for a bit who i was introduced to through laura but never actually met in person. but i think it should go pretty good knowing the way we get along online and stuff. so yea thatll be over at uri then itll be back home sometime sunday. and theeeeen in a few weeks (first week of march) me and jeff (morabito, not little brother) will be heading down to florida for a few days to party and chill and stuff. staying with his brother so no hotel paying! itll be nice to get away from this cold weather for a bit and of course get out of norwalk.
so yea looks like i got some busy stuff coming up. should be all fun stuff though. its good to keep busy, otherwise i get bored just sitting around at home. ok well im gonna go get a beverage i think and do an online crossword before my last class...lata!
a girl!! :-O you never told me! sweetness. hope that goes well.
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