SPRING BREAK '06: The Buckets Strike Back...

So last week me and Jeff headed down to Ft. Lauderdale to see his brother Dave and party up. It was quite a damn good time so I'll try and recap it as much as I can remember, sadly alcohol and drunkenness impairs the ability to remember every funny thing that happened.
So we got down there Wed night, late so we just hung out at Dave and his girlfriend's house and chatted and stuff...they got a nice lil place, they had 2 beds in a guest room which fit nicely for the occasion. So since Dave and his girlfriend Tracey (or is it Tracie, i dunno) both worked Thursday and Friday we didn't have a car to use during the day so they were kinda bummish days. We went to the pool in the complex and chilled/swam a bit. It was like in the 80s and sunny that day, while i heard it snowed in norwalk that day...lucky us! We went out to this place Sofa King (great name for a bar actually), which seemed like a PG-13 strip club with scantily clad waitresses dancing on poles and shit. Sadly though, this led to the bar scene pretty much consisting of no girls (besides the waitresses) and a lot of older men. Highlight of the night came when I spilled my white russian all over the table getting my phone wet, and somehow making it go into car kit mode meaning i couldnt hear or talk into my phone for about an hour or 2 til it magically fixed itself. So we went to this place geronimo's where the crowd was slightly better and they were playing like 70's music. It wasn't really great there either but we got buffalo wings which were good. Oh I forgot to mention our cab driver Joel who took us to geronimos, who the whole way there discussed xm radio/sirius with jeff. So then we got a ride back from Dave after waking him up at 3 to pick us up. I also learned that Florida grass is itchy when i had laid myself out upon the grass and some Floridian walked by and told me that.
Friday was another chill day, our only adventure out during the day was going to Publix, supermarket down there. We bought some shit for ourselves and bought Dave a cupcake dog, which damn i dont have a picture of but it was hilarious looking. It was like 2 cupcakes together with frosting over both of them and a lil dog face with a tongue sticking out...pretty damn funny. Friday night we went out really early at like 630 for happy hour and stuff. We hit up a bunch of different places, and ended up on a street somewhere where its just bars everywhere and you can drink out in the street and stuff, which is pretty cool when its like 70 degrees out and you can walk in and out of bars with whatever drink you have. Some highlights of the night included Eric (Dave's friend who came down Friday night) writing a song on a napkin and throwing it at a band to try and have them play the song he requested. Jeff puking after doing some shot (more on this later). There were these 3 girls from Hong Kong, who Jeff also told he was from Hong Kong. And after saying they were beautiful or something they would say you hafta pick one and everytime he'd pick a diff one and the other ones would be like AHHH (in Asian voices), it was quite funny. Also on the elevator some crazy bitch wouldnt let anyone on the elevator but we all got on anyway and she flipped and pushed me for some reason. what the f. then some girl on the elevator named Stephanie had her b-day so someone (I think Eric) started a Happy Birthday Stephanie clap-song, which doesnt seem so funny unless you hear the song, its hilarious. And then Jeff threw his shoe on top of a car for no apparent reason. Later back at the house, Jeff vomitted all over their carpet...sad for the boys.
Saturday day was recovery time. Saturday night was more shit show. We went to this bar Sloppy Joe's where they had 20 dollar 85 oz alcohol buckets. Pretty damn big and alcohol filled. Me and Jeff were like the only ones who had them, and I pretty much took the bucket anywhere I went, which I guess was humorous to everyone else. They had a kick ass room where they had 2 pianos facing each other, a drum set, and a guitar and the 4 people would switch seats every time and do a different song, really cool shit. So I got pretty messed up from my bucket + a jello shot + 3 white russians. Jeff was kickin some game to some 32 yr old with 2 kids, which we made fun of him the rest of the trip for. Me Dave Tracey and Eric were in the room with the piano and Apache and the Cha Cha Slide were the big dance numbers for the evening, pretty funny stuff with us all dancing. So after I finished my bucket i attached it to my belt and some girl comes and sticks her straw in my bucket (not gonna lie i felt a lil violated). So i talked to her and her friend (a psych major woo hoo) for a bit, they were cool peeps. So the group went back and we threw some ice cubes at Jeff apparently then danced/sang (HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEPHANIE!) our way back to the car. We went to McDonald's and were ordering when Jeff decides to change the hamburger that someone ordered to a "no meat burger", then later yelled more shit so much that we left before actually getting our food. We ended up going to Denny's. I had a blazin ass BBQ chicken sandwich and our waiter (Uncle) Jesse was a tool, who gave us shit service. Most of this night was a blur but this is the best I could remember. We didnt get home til 6 am, see down there the bars dont close til 4 which is kick ass. I had a dream that night all about alcohol, with my favorite moment being me finishing up a bucket and screaming "PUT THAT ON MY REVIEW!!!" Its from that Bud Light Daredevil commercial with the dude staying 5 extra minutes on a friday. So I think thats gonna be my new saying.
Sunday was more chilling then going down to Miami to drop off Eric at a hotel. We ate at hooter's but they ran out of freaking wings...who does that? We drove through South Beach which looked pretty wild. I dont think i was classy enough though it seemed like you had to have a lot of money to party down there. We came back home packed our stuff and left for home Monday morning. Went from like 85 to 35 degree weather, not so great.
So that was my trip, I'm sure there's lots of stuff I don't remember. I got pictures up from the trip in my profile so check those out, I think they were mostly of me and that bucket haha. So yea now I'm back home. Good news though some of my Uconn friends are coming down later though to hit up karaoke tonight that should be fun as hell. Too bad I gotta be up at 6 for work tomorrow though, thats gonna be unpleasant. Anyway, check out the pics and leave me comments, peace out!
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