
Monday, April 24, 2006

So first of all, I apologize if this is a somewhat unorganized rambling entry, I only slept about 4 hours last night (most likely due to messed up sleeping patterns on my week off and some anxiety that led to some restlessness), and the lack of sleep is really starting to hit me. Good thing in about 2 hours I'll be able to nap for an hour or two to try and get somewhat refreshed. All the partying this weekend probably didn't help matters but it was fun. I went up to Uconn with Chris and Colleen Thursday afternoon for Spring Weekend, and stayed til Sunday afternoon.

Instead of just recapping it night by night I'll just mention a few fun things from the weekend:
--whiffle ball game in which my team lost by a score of something like one inning I think we had about 5 errors leading to me getting frustrated and throwing about 1000 pitches that inning.
--my $12 medium pizza that Chris convinced me to get...note it was only 10 bucks but I was told to tip 2 dollars for a guy going to his car and giving me pizzas he already had with him.
--when finally given the chance to do a little DJing, I quickly got the group to turn on me by playing "100 Years" by Five For Fighting.
--I introducted college kids to the term "jump off".
--Singalongs of both Scenes From An Italian Restaurant and Bohemian Rhapsody, of which I'll have the videos of us singing online and linked as soon as I can.
--Interviewing drunk Uconn people asking them what they think of global warming, women's suffrage, and slavery among other things.
--Killing off a handle of vodka and half a handle of Kahlua in 3 nights by myself...oh and a gallon of milk.
--Wearing a sombrero Thursday night around Carriage.
--Lots of Wonder Showzen (THATS RACIST!!!!!)
--Far too much drunk dialing and drunk texting of people...I think my phone should be taken away from me once I hit a certain point in drinks consumed.
--Hearing about Murph's hatred of having his Constitutional rights fucked with by the Uconn police.
--Being betrayed not once, but twice by would-be beer pong partners
--Losing water for almost a whole day at Carriage leading to no running water, toilet use, or showers
--Taking a picture with Denham Brown and asking him several questions on Marcus White, and then afterwards asking Craig Austrie if he was from Stamford, screaming back at him "The City That Works!!!"
--Playing NBA Jam T.E. and NHL '95, winning the game with a Roenick goal in OT (its not so much me, as it's Roenick, he's good).
--Escorting 2 random girls back to their dorm since apparently I didn't look like the kind of guy who would do them wrong (it's kind of sad how harmless I look).
--There may be some more things, but I can't remember a lot from the weekend, which I don't know if it's a good or bad thing.

Anyway so that was my weekend, and it was ended with a nice dinner out with Melissa to Joe's Bar and Grill or something like that. It was in Fairfield and was pretty good...we ended up staying there like 2 and a half hours just talking and stuff. It was a nice relaxing end to an otherwise hectic weekend.

As for this coming week, I don't really have much planned, except that I have a job interview tomorrow. It seems like it could be a really good fit for me, if it's what I expect. It's a research assistant position for the Yale School of Pscyhiatry, and I think it'd be just doing things I did when I did that independent study type thing in college. I just hope the interview goes well cuz I'm tired of not hearing back from places, and even when I'm persistent, it just ends up the same anyway.

Other stuff on my mind at the moment...umm not so much, but that's probably just because I'm exhausted. I'll try and get those videos and some pics from the weekend up sometime today or tomorrow, seeing as I shouldn't be too busy. Alright well back to work, later.


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