Wednesday is the new Monday! Last 2 entries have been on Wednesdays, thats what I was getting at...
Ok so let's see what's transpired in the past week. Last Wednesday was a dinner and karaoke night. Me and Melissa went to Black Bear for dinner, (not for barring) and it was pretty good food and we got to chat a lil, which was nice considering most of the time we hang out it's in a noisy bar where it's not really ideal for getting to know someone. Then after dinner we met up with Melanie at karaoke and I sang Build Me Up Buttercup and Don't Look Back in Anger. The crowd was a bit more into the first one, I guess not too many Oasis fans at karaoke night. I think I'll probably go to karaoke tonight, see who's around and going out though first.
I don't think I really did anything Thursday night, besides watch the Knicks suck once again. But there was no work on Friday for Good (no, BEST!!!) Friday. I headed up to Uconn in the afternoon, and met up with Amanda for lunch and some Salvation Army shopping. I bought my buddies at 18 Carriage a New Kids On The Block VHS tape for $0.50. Oh and I also bought some random middle school shirt with all the kids names on it (like the Hooksett one!!). Oh and I ate meat (meatball sub) for lunch at Subway. Oh and I bought Wonder Showzen Season 1 on dvd (more on this later). Oh and no more "Oh's". So after lunch/shopping with Amanda, I went to Uconn and watched some Wonder Showzen and the M's-Sox game with the Carriage crew (plus Murph and Tuba). We (and by we, i mean pretty much only me and a few other people) drank a lil bit. Note to White Russian drinkers, putting a lot of vodka in and no ice is NOT very tasty. So yea it was kind of a chill night, we watched Ali G Indahouse later that night. Pretty funny movie, but not anywhere near as funny as the show.
Saturday was us going to the Sox-Mariners game in Boston. It was me, John, Tim, and the Evangelist. It was a really nice day, a little hot with the sun on us all game, but there was enough of a breeze to not make it uncomfortable. The game itself was kind of boring although the Mariners did win 3-0, with all 3 runs coming in one inning. Not a lot of offense really, and a lot of guys left on base for both teams. I would say the highlight of the game was Larry David sitting in our section. Ok, so it wasn't REALLY him, but I swear everyone agreed it looked exactly like him! I managed to sneak a picture on my camera phone, which I'll try to upload to my computer somehow sometime soon. John went up to him (after a few beers) and asked him if anyone ever told him he looked like Larry David, and he was like only about 100 times a day haha.
Here's Larry:

John later bought him a beer, and the whole incident was quite comical. I had a few guys heckle me since I had my Ichiro jersey on saying things like "Ichiro's gay" and "Ichiro sucks"...yea those guys who win MVP awards and shatter the single season hits record they're awful. It took a while to get out of Boston afterwards cuz the f'in guy gave me shit directions and sent us all through Boston when there was an entrance to I-90 right near the parking place. So yea, I got home around 8 that night, in plenty of time to go out that night! The night's barring was kind of overshadowed by some drama between some people but it was still a pretty fun night apart from a few stupid things (some by me...doh), but not really a big deal.
Sunday was Easter, family came over, we had lots of food for dinner, etc. I got some candy (and a lil bit of a stomach ache) and some money, so it was pretty good. Oh and there was some church thrown in there in the morning. I'm pretty sure every song was title "Christ has risen today" of some variation. Guess there's a bit more Christmas songs than Easter ones. So that brings us to Monday, which was laundry in the morning, and street hockey in the evening. Since we had only one goal, me and Sal built one out of the old pieces of my fence we had torn down earlier and an old bed sheet for the netting. Yea it's ridiculously ghetto, and I'll try and get a picture of that up too sometime.

So we got some people together and played once it was made and it was pretty fun. Would've been more fun if half my team wasn't sucking hardcore. Hopefully we'll play a good amount this spring/summer though, it's good exercise and I'm actually decent at it, as opposed to me and most other sports.
Yesterday was not much going on, I found some jobs online and applied to them, hopefully I'll at least get some interviews. Although I haven't had much success when I've gone on interviews, most of the times I haven't even heard back...sigh. But anyways, also poker night last night and I finished 2nd so woo woo I won my money back. And some gym during the day...not very eventful. Today I'm meeting Erin and Elisa at the Trumbull mall for some Chicken Teriyaki and jelly beans! And as said earlier maybe some karaoke tonight.
So that's pretty much up to date with things. Things going on lately include obsession over Wonder Showzen, which is pretty much a kids show (on acid) that's ridiculously offensive to pretty much everyone. My favorite scene is this guy "Mr. Story" who reads to a class of kids. Only he's reading to himself, and not aloud at all. And the kids are all complaining and he's like be quiet I'm trying to read. And then in his head he's like "they're buying it, they think I can actually read, I'm like their idol". Then it flashed to a picture of him with a tattoo on his arm that says READER...I swear it's like the funniest shit I've ever seen. There's a lot of other funny shit (kids on the beat, kids on the street, beat kids, BEAT KIDS!!). Also I've been watchin my Mariners quite frequently. They're 6-9 right now, which isn't bad, especially considering how so many guys (Ichiro, Beltre, King Felix) are underachieving and a lot of the losses are 1-run games. The AL West is all pretty much around .500 so who knows how this season will turn out, hopefully better than the last few!
So yea, this is a long post, sorry bout that my dedicated readers. I'm headin up to Uconn for Spring Weekend sometime tomorrow til probaly Sunday afternoon. I'm hella excited, it'll be good to see my Uconn crew, plus some people I haven't really seen in a while. My goal is to get a picture with "Big Ed" Nelson haha. Anyway, sorry if this wastes too much of your time. Leave comments yo! Next update will probably be on Sunday or Monday, hopefully with pictures too!
That picture doesn't even do the man justice, he is the best celebrity look a like I have ever seen. I still think there is a 50%chance that it is Larry David.
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