Monday, this is my last 5 day week of subbing. Although I think I'm probably only gonna work 3 or 4 days this week. I wanna go to the casino Thursday afternoon, so that would be a day off there. And I'm looking at taking tomorrow off as well cuz I want to watch both playoff game 7s tonight, and the geniuses who have the second game on at 1030 means it won't be over til AT LEAST 1 am, but probably more towards 130 or even 2, and to be honest it's almost over here and I don't feel like being a zombie all day from only getting 4 hours of sleep at night. Plus I need to do laundry at some point this week, so maybe I could do that during the day tomorrow, along with perhaps hitting up the gym. So it could be a Mon, Wed, Fri week.
I wanna say a lot of stuff's happened in the past week but nothing's really jumping out at me. So I mentioned that I got that job briefly in the last post so I guess I could go into that a little more. So the job's at Survey Sampling, which is a market research company, and my job title is "project manager". From what I've been told it seems to be an organizational type position of working with clients and making sure that we can get them the samples they want for their research studies. So it seems like I'll be keeping contact with them and working with databases and the stuff they work with seems to be pretty interesting so I think I'll like it. I start June 1, which is next Thursday and it's in Fairfield so the commute will be fairly easy. Only about 15 min drive and going against the NYC traffic which will be nice not to just be sitting in traffic for a while every morning and evening. I get to sleep a few extra hours each night...get to get up around 8 am every day instead of 6...but then again instead of getting out of work at 215 (or sometimes earlier) I'll be workin til 6 every day. So yea, I feel more like a grown up now, and I'm sure once I start the feeling will kick in even more so. So yea, that about sums it up for those I haven't talked to about it yet. I'm a little nervous but I think I should be able to do a good job working there and hopefully like it!
On Thursday, I went to a Rangers-Yankees game with Tuba, Ron, and Stef. The Rangers won (I don't remember the score) and it was a pretty nice day to be at a game, and was relaxing. It took about 2 hours to get home though with rush hour traffic though. The highlight (or should I say lowlight for me) was as follows. There was a coach on the Rangers named "Jones" and throughout the game I was yelling JONES at him in an attempt to get him to throw me a ball. So at the end of one inning I yell again and he tosses one up (to either me or Ron, who had a Rangers hat on) and we both go for it. Sadly in both going for it, it ends up getting hit back to Tuba, who (get this!) gives it to some random child. Who does that??? Needless to say, me not getting the Jones ball was upsetting. However, I got a lil something later though when I found that the kid sitting in front of us who left a few innings early had left a red "M" hat on the seat which I kept as a souvenier.
The past weekend was pretty good. Friday night me, Janice, and Ant went to Black Bear and met up with Sal and Jeff among other people. Ant's brother Dan's band (Meet the Antagonist) was playing in between the sets of the normal band. From what I remember they sounded pretty good (although I can't be sure with the amount of alcohol I had in my system). I think they're playing at Black Bear again some Wednesday night so I'll probably check them out (with less alcohol in me since it'll be a work night), and maybe I'll post it on here too if anyone's interested in checking them out.
On Saturday Murph had his grad party up at his house, and lucky me since I live furthest away from everyone I get to drive 90 min to get to these things. So of the Uconn crew, Tuba, Shaun, John, and Jay were there and we kinda stayed in our own little group most of the time. There was moderate beer drinking, I think I had about 4 spread out from 5-8 pm or something, and nobody else really had more than a few. We had some burgers and hot dogs, and avoided disaster when someone spotted something on the grill burning right near the gas tank. Luckily we got that fire out before the thing exploded, that PROBABLY would've made it not so good of a graduation party. There was also some volleyball played, and we took a trip to Lost island, a lil island by his house in the middle of a stream. To cap the night off we made a fire pit and made s'mores. And of course we threw things in the fire like children and made torches to go look for Walt. Most of them left around 10 and I had planned on staying over earlier but since no one else was staying I was undecided. I ended up staying til around midnight watching "Kicking and Screaming" with Murph and Jenna. It's an OK movie but has a good amount of really funny shit in it, especially with this little kid named Byong Sun (played by the great Elliot Cho). It's been on HBO stations a lot this past month so if you got nothing better to do, check it out. Anyways, so we were watching that and I was contemplating staying the night, but I was sneezing a bit and my eyes were watery (stupid cat allergies) so I deceded to head home around midnight. Stopped for gas and snack to stay awake and made it home a lil before 2.
Sunday was Bob's 20th b-day and we had filet mignon and cake which was delicious. Grandma came up and apparently we took too long answering the door so she made a point of letting us know she was upset haha. So that pretty much brings things up to date. I'm kinda tired at the moment as I sit in the library typing this. The computer in the classroom I was in was godawful slow and it seemed it's like 10 years old as it didn't even have a USB port on it! Upcoming this week is the Lost finale (2 hours, from 9-11) and I think Shaun, Jay and maybe Murph are coming down to watch it, then possibly hit up Karaoke when it's over and then casino trip on Thursday. All of this was just discussed on Saturday, so hopefully it'll go down. The lack of Lost friends around Norwalk is lame. So yea if anyone else wants to join in on either Lost or karaoke or casino let me know! I don't really have anything else to say here, plus the bell's gonna ring soon, so I shall leave it at this. Later!
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