
Wednesday, June 28, 2006

It's been about a week since I've updated so I think it might be a good time to get an entry in. A little more than an hour of work left and for the most part I've been busy actually doing stuff today. I got my first projects all done and shipped so I feel some sense of accomplishment. But now I'm just waiting to see how all the surveys do which is fun to see how many people just decide not to do them!

This past weeks been not too eventful. Last Tuesday's poker game I finished in 3rd place which won me my money back (out of 11 people I think). This Tuesday I didn't do as well and finished 6th out of 8 people. Last Wednesday us work people played Ultimate Frisbee at some nearby field and well let's just say I was awful. My back was in pain a few minutes into the game making running not only tiring but increasinly painful. It's fun to think back to when I used to play every night during the summer with enough energy to run around for an hour or two non-stop. There's a game tomorrow night I believe so I'll give it another go maybe I can atually not be terrible this time.

This weekend wasn't very eventful, nobody seemed to want to do too much or go out or anything. Me and Karen ended up driving around for a bit Friday night until one of her friends called her since he was going down to Sono. So we met up with him and his friend and had a few drinks at Donovans then at O'neils. Ended up being kinda fun but had to make it an early night since Karen had to work on Saturday. Saturday night nobody seemed to want to do anything again so Ant, Sal, Such, and Matt came over along with some of Jeff's friends and we drank and played video games all night. It was pretty fun having 8 players all playing Fifa at once though with the 2 multi-taps hooked up! I finally hit up the gym Sunday afternoon after taking about 2 weeks off. It's hard making time to go the gym while working every day 9-6 especially since I usually do stuff at night.

This week I went out to ice cream and drink (just 1) with Brittany, who I hadn't seen in a while and she's going up to Syracuse for an internship next week so I wanted to see her before she left. I've just noticed that the amount of female friends I have around Norwalk these days is quite smaller than I used to have, which kind of sucks. Last night was poker (see above!) and tonight I'll be maybe getting my hair cut, then watching the NBA Draft to hear the NY fans boo everything that goes on. Oh and I also need to get my laundry done too, can't forget about that! Tomorrow night is Frisbee again as long as the weather's ok then I don't know what for the weekend. I think Friday night might be an O'niels night since Crissy is leaving for Japan soon. I have a 4 day weekend though which is kick ass. Would anybody be interested in a casino trip Sunday night??

So that's my week in review. I've been keeping busy which is good because I get bored kind of easily. It'll be nice to get to relax though this weekend and catch up on some sleep. I was exhausted this morning when my alarm went off. The damn Mariners games don't end til like 1 am so I don't really get to bed early. But they finally hit .500! And they're only 3 games out of first in their division so maybe there's a chance meaningful games will take place post-All Star Break this year for the first time in a while!

I've been looking to buy a David Brent quotes poster for the office which would be kick ass. The only problem is the poster doesn't show up very big in the picture so you can't tell what quotes they are. I'll probably still buy it anyway though. I got some clothes at AE this weekend online since it's easier than going out and buying it at a store. Apparently working a full time job doesn't allow you much time during the day to get things done like go clothes shopping, go to the bank, or hit up the gym. Well I'm going to go do a Sudoku or something (maybe ask somebody for some work to be given to me), so I shall wrap it up. Leave comments because it's the cool thing to do these days. Finito.

>:4 8 15 16 23 42

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Only 2 1/2 hours to go (with pretty much nothing to do until then)! So the weekend (plus Monday) has come and gone and now it's Tuesday afternoon. The weekend was pretty good. Me and Tuba went up to "D-Town" to the Back Shack for rum/vodka smoothies with Kim and some of the Uconn girls. I had an aqua massage which felt pretty good, but I regret not having it pound me harder (that sounds dirty) as I was rockin out to some Bob Marley. After that we went to some nearby bar for drinks, but since I had to drive home I took it easy. Although not to worry we got to drive from Danbury to Monroe with no top on the Jeep so it was freezing, that would've sobered me up anyway! So yea, good to see some people I haven't seen in a while.

Saturday night was chillin with Such playing Timesplitters til about midnight then going out to O'neils (and tried to get into Black Bear for free unsuccessfully) with Ant Jeff and Rachel (who I had met Spring Weekend quite informally haha). So it was an alright night out in Sono, O'neils was freakin hot in there and not many people I knew were out. We went back to Adam's afterwards for more drinking (more dominance by me in Pong...I've been on a hot streak lately) and dancing and what not. Didn't get home til around 3:30/4ish...bit of a late night, which was reflected in me sleeping until 1 the next day.

Monday was Monday, but pretty hilarious shit at work including people being told their Father's Day (and much more!) was ruined and other people backing up the system with 3000 extensions sent out. I'll be nice and leave out names. Today has been kinda boring-ish. Sadly did not go to Roly Poly's as anticipated, but did draw some new things on the dry erase board, which is always fun. Tonight is poker night and tomorrow playing frisbee with some peeps from work, so the weeks picking up a little bit in terms of being busy.

So let's see if there's anything to talk about. Not really, haha. I actually watched like the first full soccer game in my entire life on Saturday (USA-Italy), and it was actually pretty entertaining. It now jumps past hockey in terms of crappy sports into decent watchability. Well the World Cup anyway, that MLS stuff is godawful. The Finals have been going on and I've been rooting for Dallas so of course at this point they're losing the series. I've been watching this British show "Spaced" (I may have mentioned it before in a previous blog) lately, and it's really hilarious. They make a lot of references to The Shining, Star Wars, and the A-Team among things. Simon Pegg and Nick Frost of Shaun of the Dead are in it, and it seems that Ricky Gervais makes a guest appearance in the next season (I have them all on my computer) so that should be kick ass.

Time's kind of been flying by, especially the weekend seem to go by ridiculously quick. It's almost July now and before you know it I'll be turning 23 in September...oh man I'm getting old way too fast. Things in July include 3 and 4 off for the holiday, going to a M's-Yanks game with Tuba in the middle of the month, then going to the Dominican Republic with the fam (plus grandma!) at the end of the month. I have a feeling that this summer's going to go by really fast, and it kind of sucks when it's nice out being in an office til 6 every day of the week. But I do really enjoy the rides to/from work with the windows down, enjoying the nice weather and listening to my music (and singing along) at a loud volume.

I feel I'm not as insightful as I used to be. I think that I used to write more opinionated entries, rather than just recapping the week's activities. I guess I don't really feel passionate about anything at the moment and don't really have that much of an opinion on any particular topic to discuss. There's plenty that bothers the hell out of me, but most of it's just everyday life hassles that everybody goes through. Somedays I get home from work and really just don't feel like doing much of anything other than sitting on my bed, talking on AIM, and watching TV. I had something like 6 days in a row the other week where I was doing something every day/night and then when I finally got some time to just relax it was great. It's hard finding a nice medium of relaxation without getting bored.

So yeah that's about it for now. I don't know how I feel about this blog entry as a whole, it kind of turned into some rambling at the end, but hey it killed some time, and hopefully gave whoever's reading this something to do, maybe a laugh or two. I'll probably update later this week bitter about losing at poker and something about tomorrow's frisbee game. Lataaa.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Only about 2 hrs til the weekend begins and already I'm having a good day. I just bought tickets to see The Roots at Toad's Place in August. I'm sure that there are tickets available for anybody else who wants to go (it's just general admission into like a small club setting), so I reccomend the show and it'd be cool if lots of people I knew were there. So that's something to look forward to in 2 months!

This isn't going to be a very long entry, just wanted to update for Wednesday night's baseball game. I got 2 tickets free at work to a Bluefish game, so me and Karen went and Tuba used his sneaky ways to get a free ticket at the stadium. So stupidly I suggested that it'd be funny to eat a hot dog (it was a promotion night where hot dogs were only $1 each) for each run scored in the game. I kept saying no I didn't want to do it and that it was a horrible idea, but the other 2 thought it was great. So only 2 runs scored in the first 6 innings, and Chris and Karen were getting antsy. So LUCKILY, there were 5 runs scored in the 7th which meant 5 hot dogs for each of us. I got through 3 and about 1/4 of my 6th hot dog and I couldn't do it, I thought I was going to throw up all over the place. Tuba finished off his 6th, I made it through 5 1/4, and Karen made it through 5. It was not a pleasurable experience, I'm still feeling kind of sick to my stomach when I think of hot dogs. But other than that the game was pretty fun. It was a pretty nice night and cool to just chill out and watch a baseball game.

Last night I just chilled out and watched the basketball game. The Mariners got swept by AL West rival Oakland (shoots self in face). I'm awaiting 6, when I'll head up to Monroe to meet Chris then we're going up to Danbury for alcoholic smoothies and fun times with friends. Nothing else planned for this weekend, so if anything's going on Saturday night or anything let me know. I was supposed to do laundry last night but I forgot about it so that's on the schedule for Saturday afternoon.

I got my homies all set up on my desk at work and I'll post a picture of that once I upload it from my camera phone, and maybe a few other random pictures if I have any. Work's been good this week, not doing much though so a lot of free time spent doing myspace surveys and stuff like that. I think I'm getting closer to doing real work though so hopefully I won't spend most of my day bored. I got my first paycheck yesterday was exciting, too bad they kick you in the balls with all the money you lose to taxes. Oh well, I don't think this is that great of a post but I wanted to mention the shenanigans from the baseball game before I forgot about it, like I usually do when I take a week between blog entries. Anyway, this only killed about 10 minutes so I need to go find a sudoku or something to do. Have a good weekend everyone!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

What's up my (3 or 4) loyal readers! Tuesday afternoon and I have about 3 hours to kill so I figure I could get a good 20-30 minutes writing a blog. Still doing training stuff at work which means 1 or 2 sessions during the day and pretty much sitting around doing nothing. Sometimes people will give me little things to do that I've learned in training stuff. I did something like 4 myspace surveys yesterday killing time. And me and my new bff (not bffl) Kaitlyn exchange emails throughout the day on how bored we are and when we complete more surveys. So I mean I'm getting paid for doing very little work but at the same time I'm kind of bored. I'm sure once I'm done with training I won't have time for blogging and myspacing during the day.

The past week was pretty good. The Mariners have been on a TEAR...they've won something like 9 of their last 11 and are only 3.5 games out of first. Which leaves a small piece of hope which will ultimately lead to even bigger disappointment. This past weekend was pretty good as well...drank Friday night, drank Saturday night, drank Sunday afternoon (well only like 3 beers). Friday me, Ant, Tuba, and Janice went to O'neils and there were lots of people there so it was a fun night. Same with Saturday night, only this time I started off the night with Lost at Laurie's, then went out with her and her sister to Black Bear. Was kind of sucky there so we went to O'neils and all the cool peeps were there as usual, got 2 drinks on the house for being so cool (or maybe just cuz they ran out of Kahlua, probably my fault haha).

Sunday was Shaunzie's grad party. Me and John played some beer pong and played pretty well sans John allowing the other team to make it into the cup in his hand and making us lose the game instantly. We played a massive kickball game with like 7 people on each team which was really fun. I would like this summer to be the summer of kickball...let's make it happen guys and girls! Sunday night we played some volleyball at the beach for a few hours, then more volleyball at the beach last night til midnight. Pretty good exercise playing for a few hours each time, well more exercise than I'd get sitting on my bed watching TV like I probably would have done last night.

Tonight is poker night so there's 10 bucks gone already haha. Tomorrow night (as of about 2 min ago) I'll be going to a Bluefish game. Someone at the office had free tickets so I was like sure why not? I got 2 tix and I just sent a text to Tuba to see if he wants to go...if he can't though they're up for anyone who wants to go. Well as long as I like you that is. I can't say I know who's on the team or who they're playing but hey it's a baseball game and it's nice weather out lately (hopefully tomorrow). Then I can still get time in home to catch the Mariners game at 10! Double baseball day! Thursday is up in the air but maybe just stay home and seems like each day is full of stuff and I might just need a night to chill out before the weekend. Kim's havin a lil thing with smoothies (with booze in them!) and aqua massages Friday night. I'm looking forward to the weekend, too bad it's only Tuesday.

Oh I almost forgot, I had an award winning performance in my brother's business project for school. I was "the deputy", and AND1 street baller who (with the power of the Bear Accessories Headband) turned into a ballin' machine. Highlights include me kicking the ball into the hoop, making a shot while driving my car, and tripping and hitting my face on a stack of old fences. I'll try and get it posted on youtube sometime this week, it should be very entertaining. I look ridiculous in it, I have a shirt that is far too tight for public eye but eh who cares it's funny as hell.

Ok well time to find some other means of killing time, hope whoever reading this isn't as bored as I am today! Later.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

So remember that time that I was subbing and I'd have nothing to do so I'd write blog entries. Well apparently now that I finished all the reading stuff (and some homework!) for work I have about 2 hours before time to go home and I have nothing to do until my training session sometime tomorrow morning. This is day 4 of work (I started last Thursday) and so far so good. It only takes about 15 min to get to work, since I'm going against all the NYC traffic. I got a pretty kick ass window view of the creek here (much nicer when the tide is high, when it's low it looks a bit dirtier and you can see the tire that just sits in the middle for some reason. I'm currently rockin out (at a low level of course as not to disturb others) to my iPod. I share the office with Amilcar, who is also my "mentor". A lot of "Lost" and "Snakes on a Plane" chatting going on in this office, which is always enjoyable. There were talks of going to this guy Adam's house for DDR during lunch break yesterday, but it didn't happen...I was disappointed not to be able to dance (dance revolution) during my lunch break. Apparently there's a ton of food places around too...I've eaten out all 4 days (Roly Poly's today, which was delicious as always). So yea, I'm still training so it's giving me some free time to blog and whatnot (I think that's one word?).

(I use parentheses a lot apparently)

So as for non-work related life, I haven't really written anything new since I started. This past weekend was so-so. Friday night Nicole had a party at her house, which was supposed to be Hawaiian themed, but ended up just being a keg party. I drank a decent amount of Jager and beer there before we decided to head down to Sono, probably around midnight. Surprisingly we hit up O'niels downtown and I (again surprisingly) went back to my beloved White Russians. So yea it was a pretty fun night, but I ended up paying for it a bit on Saturday not feelin so hot. Not that I drank THAT much, but I think the combinations of those different drinks, especially the Jager put a beating on my stomach and such. So Saturday was chill (I got out of the house once, to go to Duchess with Karen), as was Sunday. There was a retirement party for Judi at church, which was kinda sad. A lot of good times at St. Jerome's and Emmaus (not really mass-related but oh well). Oh and Sunday night watched Lost with Laurie. It was the same episode that was on Wednesday night, EP 201 Man of Faith, Man of Science...I'm not a Lost nerd or anything.

Last night I hung out with Kristin, who's moving to North Carolina later this week, which is sad. I guess the more time passes the more friends will be moving away and stuff like that. Hopefully I won't be stuck in Connecticut all my life, but things could be worse, I could live in Eastern CT with all fun farm land and frog bridges and that kind of nonsense. But yea, I guess we're all growing up and having careers and stuff. I haven't worked on "The Chocolate War II" in a while, although I suppose I could work on that for a while to kill some time. I don't think I should show too many people at work how much of a weirdo I am haha. So as for the rest of the week, I got poker tonight, karaoke tomorrow night maybe? I want to start going back to that but it depends how tired I am when I get home and if there's anything else going on. Getting home around 630 doesn't leave much time to get things done before any nighttime activities. Thursday is who knows, as is most of the weekend. Shaun's having a grad party on Sunday which should be fun.

That's about all for now. I'll see how the rest of this week and next week go in regards to how much work I'll be doing. If I still have a lot of free time, maybe some more entries on here. There were some funny things that happened during the week but to be honest I can't really remember what they were. I should really write this stuff down when it happens since when I update weekly or what not I always forget half the shit that's happened and it turns into a lame-ass blog entry. Alright well back to work...only 95 min left! Lataaa.

So remember that time that I was subbing and I'd have nothing to do so I'd write blog entries. Well apparently now that I finished all the reading stuff (and some homework!) for work I have about 2 hours before time to go home and I have nothing to do until my training session sometime tomorrow morning. This is day 4 of work (I started last Thursday) and so far so good. It only takes about 15 min to get to work, since I'm going against all the NYC traffic. I got a pretty kick ass window view of the creek here (much nicer when the tide is high, when it's low it looks a bit dirtier and you can see the tire that just sits in the middle for some reason. I'm currently rockin out (at a low level of course as not to disturb others) to my iPod. I share the office with Amilcar, who is also my "mentor". A lot of "Lost" and "Snakes on a Plane" chatting going on in this office, which is always enjoyable. There were talks of going to this guy Adam's house for DDR during lunch break yesterday, but it didn't happen...I was disappointed not to be able to dance (dance revolution) during my lunch break. Apparently there's a ton of food places around too...I've eaten out all 4 days (Roly Poly's today, which was delicious as always). So yea, I'm still training so it's giving me some free time to blog and whatnot (I think that's one word?).

(I use parentheses a lot apparently)

So as for non-work related life, I haven't really written anything new since I started. This past weekend was so-so. Friday night Nicole had a party at her house, which was supposed to be Hawaiian themed, but ended up just being a keg party. I drank a decent amount of Jager and beer there before we decided to head down to Sono, probably around midnight. Surprisingly we hit up O'niels downtown and I (again surprisingly) went back to my beloved White Russians. So yea it was a pretty fun night, but I ended up paying for it a bit on Saturday not feelin so hot. Not that I drank THAT much, but I think the combinations of those different drinks, especially the Jager put a beating on my stomach and such. So Saturday was chill (I got out of the house once, to go to Duchess with Karen), as was Sunday. There was a retirement party for Judi at church, which was kinda sad. A lot of good times at St. Jerome's and Emmaus (not really mass-related but oh well). Oh and Sunday night watched Lost with Laurie. It was the same episode that was on Wednesday night, EP 201 Man of Faith, Man of Science...I'm not a Lost nerd or anything.

Last night I hung out with Kristin, who's moving to North Carolina later this week, which is sad. I guess the more time passes the more friends will be moving away and stuff like that. Hopefully I won't be stuck in Connecticut all my life, but things could be worse, I could live in Eastern CT with all fun farm land and frog bridges and that kind of nonsense. But yea, I guess we're all growing up and having careers and stuff. I haven't worked on "The Chocolate War II" in a while, although I suppose I could work on that for a while to kill some time. I don't think I should show too many people at work how much of a weirdo I am haha. So as for the rest of the week, I got poker tonight, karaoke tomorrow night maybe? I want to start going back to that but it depends how tired I am when I get home and if there's anything else going on. Getting home around 630 doesn't leave much time to get things done before any nighttime activities. Thursday is who knows, as is most of the weekend. Shaun's having a grad party on Sunday which should be fun.

That's about all for now. I'll see how the rest of this week and next week go in regards to how much work I'll be doing. If I still have a lot of free time, maybe some more entries on here. There were some funny things that happened during the week but to be honest I can't really remember what they were. I should really write this stuff down when it happens since when I update weekly or what not I always forget half the shit that's happened and it turns into a lame-ass blog entry. Alright well back to work...only 95 min left! Lataaa.