ok so procrastination for studying for my stat exam is keepin me on the computer, and the BLOG will allow me to further delay studying. so when i last left you all i left you with some good nerd video and the great blackwolf the dragon master's home page. since then not a great deal has happened. we had our "scrimmage" monday night and since half of murphs team didnt show up, i got to be the lucky one who couldnt hit a free throw and got to switch teams. didnt get killed TOO bad in the end. it was still fun though...and a good warmup for our big postseason tournament starting tomorrow night for the BP7. lets see what else is new...haha i think thats about all. going home this weekend to get my laptop, i may or may not have mentioned that in a previous blog entry. celebrating the younger brothers birthday then back here on sunday for one more week of school til spring break. my goal of acquiring money over break will consist of scratch off lottery tickets and family poker games where i made some nice money last time i played with them. all those hours of watching the world series of poker better pay off! in other news, my girlfriend has had more than 1 dream about my grandmother, i really dont know what to make about that...little weird if you ask me :-P cant be too mean though, as my old school mariners hat she bought for me is in the process of being shipped here...hopefully today or tomorrow in the mail...old school yellow S! not gonna post any pics with this one...not sure if theyre working anyways. some people tell me they show up, others tell me they dont...so who knows. i think the pics spice up the page a little and break it up from just being lots of pete rants. alright well i should go get started on my stats now, and by get started i mean go check my mail in a few minutes. til next time, pizzout yall!
You've got blog on you
Let's see if I can actually keep this thing updated every now and then
Wednesday, February 25, 2004
Monday, February 23, 2004
a little follow-up blog to that last post of the movie...i came across the website of THE blackwolf the dragonmaster...enjoy!
Sunday, February 22, 2004
quick lil post of one of the funniest things i've ever seen(courtesy of kim...there's your shoutout)...especially when the guy eating the filet-o-fish sandwich shows up...
freakin hilarious!
Well here's the weekend wrapup blog for all of you out there. Thursday night was just chillin and watchin tv all night, oh that donald trump. Friday was quite the eventful day as I won the AFC championship and later in the day won the super bowl 52-24 with patrick surtain being super bowl mvp...oh how i wish my dolphins will ever be in that situation. alas, i must go on. Friday night was fun times, as there was drinkage and partying after a few hours of studying cog psych. Me, Chris, Ron, and Germ all went over to their friend's apartment, and Ant (yes, he actually came out!) met up with us there. Kiwi-strawberry vodka drinks, and screwdrivers gave me a nice lil drunkenness...and happily not to the point of throwing up like some people (those first dp dough bites will get ya every time!). Lost my one game of beer pong of the night...I think that I'm only successful when my team name contains some biblical figure. So next time as Team Jesus or perhaps even Team King Herod, I will dominate once again. Then on the way home, me and Chris managed to kick a piece of ice all the way from some place by hilltop all the way to west where it died out...poor lil piece o ice. Sidenote on Friday, I found out my new laptop is waiting at home for me for next weekend...so psyched! Yet also incredibly broke now with that expense and the lack of money in my wallet ($10 to get me home next weekend!). So let's see then Saturday we had the Uconn-Notre Dame game at the civic center. And for the big national cbs game they give us pom poms...woo hoo. It was an ugly game at times, but we got the win so that's all that matters. Our defense is bailing us out big time as of late. Oh also of mention: there was a good halftime show with guys dunking off trampolines! So after the game, dinner over at north with like 20 people. Crazy how much they changed that dining hall since last year when I lived over there. Took me 20 min to find the damn grated cheese. But a good dinner with everyone, and good dinnertime story learning about Brazilian Steve's last strip club experience. And also seeing Pat almost choke when Murph said he was going to the Rocapella concert instead of the strip club. So now that led to another hour of studying before the strip club in celebration of Tim Fraser's 20th birthday. All 10 of us packed into 2 cars and made our way over there. And luckily being a Saturday night the place was packed like a mofo...bunch of damn perverts, I tell ya! A bit too crowded to be too much fun, but a few memorable moments. We all pitched in and bought Tim a lap dance, which came with a free key chain! He came back to tell us how his nipples were bit...oh those strippers! But hands down the moment of the night was Murph asking one of the strippers what the etiquette is of a strip club. The stripper then continued to walk away from him promptly, muttering something about "what the fuck". But other than that...nothing too exciting. The porn shop had its usual interesting items, but sadly no sheep were purchased this time. So that pretty much leads up to today where I watched my Knicks get pounded for 3 and a half quarters, til they almost came back from a 20+ defecit, but alas fell 6 points short at the end. Really wondering if we were better off keeping Keith Van Horn around. Oh well, we need Houston back bad to gear up for the playoffs. So after the game I talked to my girl for a bit, learning of her weekend in Boston where her and her parents were confronted by many a homeless people, one of which offerred to let her kick his ass for a dollar. Also learned that there's a DeSimone square somewhere in Boston.

We're everywhere!!! The phone call made me tired and delirious, which was fun as I found myself laughing hysterically for quite some time over nothing. Sometimes I don't know how I'm put up with. So an unsuccessful nap later and here I am. After dinner, it's cognitive psych for the rest of the night...boo! (KOT) Well til next time, remember the wise words of dan akroyd..."THE DISH IS A DISEASE!"
Thursday, February 19, 2004
Killing some time and doin a lil blog on last night's Miami-Uconn game...Overall, a pretty boring game actually. The team really didn't look too good except for a few moments here and there. Rashad and his streakiness fortunately prevented the game from getting close. Some entertaining events tho with Charlie getting T'ed up, and Jim kicking a chair AND an espn sign. But now I must get down to the important issues that upset me and my fellow MWHITEFC member tim fraser. For those of you who do not attend the Uconn basketball games...there's a group of "fans" who wear "ZooConn" shirts with "shocker" references...absolutely no relevance at all to the basketball team. So as they're usually obnoxious and intoxicated at every game yelling at some of our own fans, they decide to yell during Uconn free throws, chant "overrated" at our team, as well as screaming "Gordon is a bitch" for about half the game. It's one thing to make a comment about our team's poor play...but to scream at our team how crappy they are is bullshit. The Marcus White Fan Club does not appreciate the lack of love for our players. Here's a shameless fan club picture promo courtesy of Kim...

Let's also mention that they taunted Darius Rice all game who was injured and I'm sure was real hurt by the comments considering he single handedly beat us last year. The "ZooConn" (hey aren't the fans at Pittsburgh, one of our biggest rivals, the zoo???) is one of the dumbest things I've seen at Uconn games. Ok, enough ranting about that for now...big game monday night for the BP7...since we won our game by forfeit, we will be playing a lil scrimmage. Tim's team vs Murph's team...Tim CLEARLY has the advantage with him, Chris, John, Pat, and myself, against Murph, Logan, Sal, Greg, and Dave. Their running game will be screeched to a halt! Dare I say I may even put up my first points since the first game...It'll be like a team of Marcus Whites going up against a team of Hilton Armstrongs. DOMINATION! So let's see what else is new...not too much really. About 2 weeks til spring break when I get to see my girlfriend all week. woohoo! And of course quality time with the family is always interesting. OH BIG NEWS! I'm finally getting a new computer, I already traded in my old crappy one for $275. And with an addition $450 rebate...my new laptop will end up being like $700! Holla! Ok so this was an angry rant of a blog...I apologize, but I could not let Tim down by not being heard! Big birthday week coming up with grandma, Tim, and brother Jeff all having birthdays! So happy birthday to all! So that's about it for this blog...peace out all...and "how bout I love Katie" :)
Monday, February 16, 2004
Here we go with a recap of Sunday and such since I'm a lazy bastard and didn't feel like doing it last night. So after driving Katie back to school we watched the Uconn-Pitt game...and I think that a 1 armed man named Kermit could hit more free throws than the damn uconn team. And of course that depth everyone was talking about in the beginning of the year was huge for us as we didn't have a single bench point til halfway through the second half. Oh how we need Marcus White so badly this year! So after yelling at the TV and cursing the team for running about 20 consecutive plays to Ben Gordon in the second half, Uconn eventually lost and I shook my head in dismay. And after a lil roommate/roommate parent's surprise and a lil Stonehill cuisine I was on my way back to school. After a lonely drive home after an AMAZING weekend I found myself on espn.com to find a-rod being traded to the yankees and the knicks trading away keith van horn. although keith was having a good year...we finally get rid of his horrible contract and take someone who pretty much does the same things he does. but sadly we lose michael doleac :( as for the a-rod trade...i prob should have seen this coming...stupid a-hole decides now he wants to play for a winning team...thanks alex for not wanting to do that a few years ago when the mariners wanted to resign you ya piece of shit!!! so now mariners fans and red sox fans both hate him...the more the merrier i suppose. however i feel that the combined numbers of rich aurillia and scott spezio will triumph over sheffield and rodriguez! hey it could happen...if they both die...so anyways...got a nice abnormal psych exam tomorrow so that will my night will consist of...and maybe some big fat obnoxious fiance if im lucky. i added some links to some fellow bloggers on the right...some pretty good stuff there so far. maybe ill do another lil blog later...here's a good picture for everyone to enjoy in the meantime...

HOT SHIT DAMN...im out!
Sunday, February 15, 2004
Well it's Sunday night after quite the eventful past few days...so let's recap it by day:
after going up and getting katie, the BP7 took the courts to try and get a .500 record...and let's just say we didn't fail to entertain our growing fan base composed of trish and katie. so we got a week off to rest til next mondays last game. sidenote...there were no technicals last game...nor an absurdly large amount of picks set.
fun morning class with weird al and kim...and by fun i mean so freakin boring and running overtime like a douche. so friday was mostly laziness with katie...with a best in show viewing and a madden game thrown in the mix. had a good time in the eve...with katie, john, tim, murph, and emily. then me and the gf went to the midnight marathon where i learned that my gf must also be a dance contest winner with hot moves! true story: some guy came up to us and said that he was jealous of me dancin with her ;-)
ah good ol valentine's day. exchange of presents ended up with me getting a dvd player...HOLLA. and some romantic gifts in there too. after a bit of a wait at olive garden i had my luscious veal dinner. its funny watching people come in to see how long the wait is and be told more than 3 hours. so after that there was chillin and using my dvd player to watch the all-time most romantic film "theres something about mary"
ill update with sunday's festivities later tonight...
Thursday, February 12, 2004
Somehow I managed to delete my first post...this blog confuses me...but now I got it so you can leave comments...so leave them if you like/hate what I have to say! :)

It is 12:10 in the AM and this is perspectives. (anyone pick up on the tim meadows reference?) nice quasi-relaxing day of video games, tv, math hw, and a lil top secret valentine's stuff. We got a big BP7 game tomorrow night, but apparently pick-master John is working and will not be attending...a damn shame. I'm skippin my 330 stats class tomorrow to go pick up Katie for a Valentine's Weekend Bonanza here at Uconn. Should be a real good weekend :) Uconn vs Pitt on Sunday...after both teams lost Monday night...I don't know if it's gonna be an enjoyable one to watch the way we're so inconsistent! William Hung update: he currently has t-shirts and buttons available on e-bay...I'm so tempted, but alas my finances are low, and income is zero. Note to Uconn students: South dining hall has horrible vodka sauce...just looking at it made me regret putting it on my pasta. I'm curious as to who reads these...so if you do and you enjoy it let me know...perhaps I can write more entertaining little "blogs" if I know my audience. Don't have too much else to say...just bored so I decided to blog it up! Oh and if you've never seen it...check out "Best In Show" on the Uconn movie channel this week...freakin hilarious film! Alright so I'm out...and I'll see some of you tomorrow ;-)