In an attempt to lift the mood from Saturday's mini-post here is more spring break stuff!!!
Steve booted from Pleasure Island - So Steve who had been using his older brother's ID in order to be able to drink, gave one ID that did not match the name on his pass to get in. Result: Steve is kicked out, ID taken, and told not to come back that night...but he did anyway!
The Maine murderer - So en route down to Florida a little pickup truck has 2 large garbage bags sitting in the trunk. As his license plate was from Maine, we assumed they were hacked up people he murdered.
El Cheapo - The name of a gas station down south that had a logo of a mule kicking high prices. It was classic.
Murph last in line - At Disney World, getting in line for all of the rides, Murph was always last in line, because he "didn't like to be crowded and pushed". However, when it was time to get on the ferry going back to the parking lot, he was ahead of all of us...even though he was going to get on the ferry before the person who had the car and eventually had to wait for us anyway.
Alcohol Buckets - Pleasure Island gave us one of the great inventions of our day...for about 9 dollars you could get a nice tropical drink in a nice large plastic bucket. But the real treat was the ability to refill these with pretty much any drink you wanted for anywhere from 5-7 bucks depending on the bartender. Led to much drunkenness for all.
Anne/Egg references - After watching AD (arrested development) the Sunday night on break...I made it a point to point out girls that had forgettable faces and refer to them as Egg. If you don't watch AD this whole thing will probably not make any sense at all.
Murph searches for candy - So while waiting for people to meet us at Pleasure Island, Murph had a huge candy craving. He left our group dissappearing for quite a while. We finally see him over by the information place debating whether or not to ask where he can score some candy. He eventually came back to us candyless.
Pat's spine biting - So we're chillin the pool just chattin and relaxing, when Pat swims under me, Tim, and John and bites Steve in the spine.
Carousel Horsies! - After a guy workin on the ride made a Pulp Fiction reference to me (I was wearing a Big Kahuna Burger shirt), we all got on the carousel for a nice ride. Murph taught me how to properly ride a horse. He did not however laugh uncontrollably for no reason though.
Team Chowder Fork Dominance - After playing a few games of setback with no teams, we teamed off with me and John being Team Chowder Fork, mocking Steve's earlier use of a fork to eat clam chowder. Although attempts to cheat were made, they were unsuccessful (talking about sports means you have good cards!). We did however win all 3 games, with the last 2 being complete blowouts.
MASH - Remember that game where you would see who you're gonna marry, what car you drive, where you live, etc? Well Heather and Julia decided to go old school and bust it out the last night in Florida while we were sittin around the apartment. I'm pretty sure Heather and Steve ended up having 100 children or something like that.
Teabagging - So on the subject of Steve and genitals...a game of down the river eventually left Steve passed out on the floor. Pat decides to put his balls on Steve's head, and we took a picture. For Steve's sake, said picture has not been posted with the rest, but is available by request.
17 year olds - First night in Pleasure Island and we're in some rock-type club. Note: all clubs in Pleasure Island are supposed to be at least 18+. So me and John are chillin and these girls call us over. I wouldn't say they were hot, but they weren't bad. So there was a little where you from? are you on break? stuff. So I ask how old they are, to which they reply 17. Conversation kinda died down and it got a bit awkward. We stood around uncomfortably for a few until they left.
Hodgie Podgie - Yes, to all my ex Norwalk band members, this is the game that I would want to play constantly back in high school. It's basically a game of making a continuous sentence with each person giving a new word in rhythm with clapping. They usually end up being ridiculous and often sexual in nature. Me and John played this in the taxi to Pleasure Island, annoying people I'm sure.
Pants off at Sea World (almost) - We're driving through Florida and we go by Sea World. Remembering Champ's (Anchorman reference) love of taking his pants off at Sea World, I have a strong desire to take my pants off in front of the sign and take a picture. Sad to say, it never actually went down.
Bring it on Everest - If anyone watched ESPN throughout that week, you probably saw a preview for TILT, guest starring Phil Helmuth. Over and over again, we'd hear Bring it on Everest being said by Phil as each commercial kept it in our heads. We then concluded (without watchin the show) that Everest later shoots Phil Helmuth.
Steve Farted - My love of signs led to many shenanigans on the way back home from Florida. Actually during the Uconn game vs. Syracuse, Steve did the U-C-O-N-N thing Red does at the games. During one game a guy behind him held up a "Farted" sign with an arrow pointing at Red. So during the Uconn game I made a sign like that for Steve. The real hilarity ensued on the trip home though when we would hold it up pointing to Steve so that other cars would see and laugh at the sign.
Faggy Bartender -So me and Julia are in this club and we go to get drinks. The gay bartender makes our drinks and puts in a little light up stirred thing and says "you've been turned on by a fag in Orlando". It made me quite uncomfortable.
8-Trax - Kick ass 70s/80s club in Pleasure Island. Such great events include: Shaun actually dancing, me, Julia, Heather, Steve and Tuba bustin some moves, a dance-off between me and John (it was a tie), and many many people at least in their 40s, most of which sketchy old guys eyeing the younger girls on the dance floor.
The Final Countdown/Don't Stop Believin - On the way down, the two respective cars had songs play whenever we entered a new state. Our car played The Final Countdown, while the other car played Don't Stop Believin. The cars played them on the way back as well, although we did manage to miss a few states with Don't Stop Believin. Long live Europe and Journey!
Asterick - As a result of being threatened of cheating in setback, Rachel decides to put an asterick...yes an asterick next to our win.
No alcohol on the train - Getting onto a little train ride that goes across Disney, one of the guys makes a joke about alcohol being in the frozen lemonades a few of us got. Then being a complete dick, he doesn't allow them to be brought on the train. He was hated.
Chris loves Morgan - Chris decided to try and push Murph's buttons by constantly making remarks about getting with Murph's sister. Murph later had to defend his sister's honor in a game of miniature golf, which he actually won. What a good brother.
I feel like leaving the readers in suspense for the rest. There's really not that many left. But I purposely left out the rest of the velociraptor stuff for the last post cuz you gotta save the best for last right? PEACE!