Love me a Monday morning...
Actually I'm usually more awake on Monday mornings than other days because I actually get to get more than 6 hours of sleep a night on the weekends so I'm slightly more refreshed. Well what a weekend it has been...damn this Uconn team for making Friday/Sunday two cardiac games. I swear that the only positive I can have about Uconn not being in the tournament anymore is that every game I watch won't nearly give me a heart attack. I was ECSTATIC Friday night when Rashad hit the 3 to send it into overtime, when they later beat Washington. Then the loss yesterday, when even after Denham hit the 2 at the buzzer to tie, he missed the 3 at the end which would've won it. I actually thought it had a good chance of going down when he put the shot up but I guess a team's clutch shots have to end at some point. Oh I thought of another more Hilton!!! (I swear if the Knicks draft him, things will be thrown around the room for hours in anger). So it's time to gear up for the last 20 or so games left in the Knicks season, which is getting to be ridiculously painful to watch. Baseball starts up in a week so that should be something to look forward to, despite me having pretty much no faith of a postseason run for the Mariners, but hey ya never know.
Let's see what else has happened in the past week. Oh there was a power outage last Wed night, and we were at the bar for karaoke at O'neils so basically it was just everyone drinking by candle light they put in the bar. However, the karaoke fans could not be silenced and soon we were all singing a capella to our favorite songs which was pretty damn cool. Saturday night was Ant's graduation party, but also a murder mystery which was pretty fun. I ended up getting involved in it (surprise surprise), and was given the name Pete Nacho, a makeup expert from somewhere in South America. I ended up not being the murderer (I'm a lover, not a fighter). Around 11 us at the party headed to O'neils which was pretty packed, the karaoke dude's band was playing there. They're called Fake Id and they're actually really good, so that was fun, lotsa dancing and singing going on there. Then when bar closed down, went back to Ant's for some leftovers from the party which hit the spot quite nicely.
So that's pretty much my goings ons from the past week, if thats even a phrase. Don't really have much planned for this upcoming week, although Laurie might be home Friday so perhaps do something fun that night. I had planned to go up to Uconn for the Final 4 but I guess that plan is kinda ruined. I'll probably be up there in a few weeks for Spring Weekend though. It'll be weird next year when pretty much all of my friends who are at Uconn this year won't be there anymore, so this may be my last year to go up there and visit anyone, kinda sad actually but I guess we gotta move on. Speaking of which, I need to get my ass in gear and get going on more job searching. I got a few jobs I bookmarked from various sites to get resumes out to but first I gotta update my resume and this tournament's kept my mind off of other stuff so I should probably get on that sometime this week. I think I'm just gonna look for the most random jobs I can find online and apply for those cuz really I don't wanna be working at some boring job. While subbing isn't really a "real job", it's at least always an interesting day, whether good or bad.
Sorry if this is kind of dragging on, I got like 20 more min to kill before first period is over. I hate having no period 1 without knowing, cuz if I had known I would've just slept til 7 and come in in time for period 2. I'm in for a teacher I've never subbed for before so hopefully it won't be a bad day, I don't really know what kinda classes these are, although one of them is a math employment class, whatever that is.
Oh so last night I ventured somewhere I haven't been in quite some time: I forgot how funny some of the stuff on the site was. I checked out the strong bad email about Trogdor, then proceeded to download the Trogdor song, as well as two others on the site (come on FHWGADS!). Brought back memories of soph year of college when each week I'd be looking forward to new strong bad emails or a new teen girl squad (ARROWED!!!). Maybe I'll try and see what I've been missing out on the past few years on the site, as I really haven't been on there since I defeated Peasant's Quest haha.
Alright well my mind is going blank soooo I think I should wrap this up. Looking back at what I've just written I guess my life isn't so exciting at the moment, but hopefully I'll find something to keep me entertained/happy for a while. I can always start a countdown til the greatest film ever made comes out (can you say SNAKES ON A PLANE???). This is probably why I'd always stop blogging whenever I'd try to revive this thing again cuz I just run out of things to talk about or nothing is going on in my life at the moment. Check back for more updates later this week, maybe something exciting will happen by then, or I'll have something to complain about haha. LATAAA!