
Tuesday, May 30, 2006

So here I begin a next phase in my life...

It's Tuesday late afternoon and I'm 2 days away from starting my new job, which is my first "real job" as they call it. I'm a little nervous but I think that I'll do a good job at this place once I get comfortable. It always takes a while to fit it when you're one of the new employees, but apparently they hired 3 other people at the same time so I won't be the only newbie. Anyway, in these past few days I've been feeling like more of an "adult" thinking about this job. I mean I guess we all have to grow up at some point in our lives, well I don't think I ever will all the way, but at least in an occupational sense. I'm still working on writing a play about the Wonkas invading Hershey Park in a ridiculous story so I've definitely not matured too much. But yea, all in all I am looking forward to starting on Thursday, time to "get my shit together" as they say. So, now it's so long NHS with your "jump-offs" and "no homo" was definitely an interesting experience working there. Some of the classes were fun when the kids were cool, but in others they were filled with douchebags who acted like 5 year old assholes (sadly I could not call them this or may have been fired). And now I have some of them as myspace buds (a bit much in that it looks like I'm a pedophile, but I promise I'm not!).

So let's see what this past weekend brought me...a lot of drinking apparently. Sadly this is taking me some time to sort out what I did each night, so I'm gonna work backwards. So yesterday (Memorial Day) we had a bbq at our house with some family over, played some wiffle ball and had some frozen drinks. It was a pretty nice day out so it was good and relaxing. Last night kicked off volleyball spring/summer league '06. We played a bunch of games and I only ended up losing twice. We had back-to-back shutouts at one point beacause we had such a nasty team. So it was good to get back into that...even though I jammed one of my fingers which is now kinda swelled up. That was fun times though, hope to play fairly often this summer, but not sure how much energy I'll have at night with 40 hour work weeks and all.

Sunday was a bbq at the Kress household celebrating Laurie graduating from teacher's college stuff (yay for math teachers!). Her friends from school were pretty cool, we played mini-golf, visited the world's largest dairy store and a few of us went to O'neils. I thought there might be more people barring the night before Memorial Day but it was pretty dead that night. It was still a good time though, and big Steve DDed for us which was clutch. Don't drink and drive kids! Ok now back to, Tuba, Ant, and Janice went to O'neils and Crissy and Nicole were there and then other people showed up throughout the night as usual. Oh and Janice made me a nice "You're the Best Pete" lil drawing on a napkin with crayons which I'll use to boost my self esteem on sad days!

Oh now I remember Friday night!!! This was the craziest night of the weekend, but it seemed so long ago I thought it was last weekend! So me, Tuba, and Jeff went over to Adam's (and Tom and Craig and Chris) place. We ended up staying there and not going out to Sono. Some of the highlights are as follows:

--Craig and Adam almost going into fisticuffs
--Learning that Phil is a "top 5 partier"
--Adam's sister Annie somehow cutting her hand open and getting 5 stitches
--Jeff and Craig's sister (I wanna see her name's Lisa) driving to Port Chester at like 1 am to go get more beer, only to come back when no one was really drinking anymore
--Me and Jeff kicking ass in beer pong using our super psych-out techniques
--Me not drinking White Russians (I don't know how I did it), instead going with cranberry-vodkas and beer all night
--Us getting rear-ended in Jeff's car while waiting for our food at McDonald's by a lady who looked like 60 or something at 3 am, and then Jeff getting out of the car and screaming at her, yelling "What are you fucking drunk??" at her repeatedly.

All-in-all, a more exciting weekend than I thought. Ok so this blog has taken me way too long to write so I'm not writing anymore. Poker tonight, probably gonna lose, huzzah! Catch all y'all later, wish me luck for Thursday!

Monday, May 22, 2006

Monday, this is my last 5 day week of subbing. Although I think I'm probably only gonna work 3 or 4 days this week. I wanna go to the casino Thursday afternoon, so that would be a day off there. And I'm looking at taking tomorrow off as well cuz I want to watch both playoff game 7s tonight, and the geniuses who have the second game on at 1030 means it won't be over til AT LEAST 1 am, but probably more towards 130 or even 2, and to be honest it's almost over here and I don't feel like being a zombie all day from only getting 4 hours of sleep at night. Plus I need to do laundry at some point this week, so maybe I could do that during the day tomorrow, along with perhaps hitting up the gym. So it could be a Mon, Wed, Fri week.

I wanna say a lot of stuff's happened in the past week but nothing's really jumping out at me. So I mentioned that I got that job briefly in the last post so I guess I could go into that a little more. So the job's at Survey Sampling, which is a market research company, and my job title is "project manager". From what I've been told it seems to be an organizational type position of working with clients and making sure that we can get them the samples they want for their research studies. So it seems like I'll be keeping contact with them and working with databases and the stuff they work with seems to be pretty interesting so I think I'll like it. I start June 1, which is next Thursday and it's in Fairfield so the commute will be fairly easy. Only about 15 min drive and going against the NYC traffic which will be nice not to just be sitting in traffic for a while every morning and evening. I get to sleep a few extra hours each night...get to get up around 8 am every day instead of 6...but then again instead of getting out of work at 215 (or sometimes earlier) I'll be workin til 6 every day. So yea, I feel more like a grown up now, and I'm sure once I start the feeling will kick in even more so. So yea, that about sums it up for those I haven't talked to about it yet. I'm a little nervous but I think I should be able to do a good job working there and hopefully like it!

On Thursday, I went to a Rangers-Yankees game with Tuba, Ron, and Stef. The Rangers won (I don't remember the score) and it was a pretty nice day to be at a game, and was relaxing. It took about 2 hours to get home though with rush hour traffic though. The highlight (or should I say lowlight for me) was as follows. There was a coach on the Rangers named "Jones" and throughout the game I was yelling JONES at him in an attempt to get him to throw me a ball. So at the end of one inning I yell again and he tosses one up (to either me or Ron, who had a Rangers hat on) and we both go for it. Sadly in both going for it, it ends up getting hit back to Tuba, who (get this!) gives it to some random child. Who does that??? Needless to say, me not getting the Jones ball was upsetting. However, I got a lil something later though when I found that the kid sitting in front of us who left a few innings early had left a red "M" hat on the seat which I kept as a souvenier.

The past weekend was pretty good. Friday night me, Janice, and Ant went to Black Bear and met up with Sal and Jeff among other people. Ant's brother Dan's band (Meet the Antagonist) was playing in between the sets of the normal band. From what I remember they sounded pretty good (although I can't be sure with the amount of alcohol I had in my system). I think they're playing at Black Bear again some Wednesday night so I'll probably check them out (with less alcohol in me since it'll be a work night), and maybe I'll post it on here too if anyone's interested in checking them out.

On Saturday Murph had his grad party up at his house, and lucky me since I live furthest away from everyone I get to drive 90 min to get to these things. So of the Uconn crew, Tuba, Shaun, John, and Jay were there and we kinda stayed in our own little group most of the time. There was moderate beer drinking, I think I had about 4 spread out from 5-8 pm or something, and nobody else really had more than a few. We had some burgers and hot dogs, and avoided disaster when someone spotted something on the grill burning right near the gas tank. Luckily we got that fire out before the thing exploded, that PROBABLY would've made it not so good of a graduation party. There was also some volleyball played, and we took a trip to Lost island, a lil island by his house in the middle of a stream. To cap the night off we made a fire pit and made s'mores. And of course we threw things in the fire like children and made torches to go look for Walt. Most of them left around 10 and I had planned on staying over earlier but since no one else was staying I was undecided. I ended up staying til around midnight watching "Kicking and Screaming" with Murph and Jenna. It's an OK movie but has a good amount of really funny shit in it, especially with this little kid named Byong Sun (played by the great Elliot Cho). It's been on HBO stations a lot this past month so if you got nothing better to do, check it out. Anyways, so we were watching that and I was contemplating staying the night, but I was sneezing a bit and my eyes were watery (stupid cat allergies) so I deceded to head home around midnight. Stopped for gas and snack to stay awake and made it home a lil before 2.

Sunday was Bob's 20th b-day and we had filet mignon and cake which was delicious. Grandma came up and apparently we took too long answering the door so she made a point of letting us know she was upset haha. So that pretty much brings things up to date. I'm kinda tired at the moment as I sit in the library typing this. The computer in the classroom I was in was godawful slow and it seemed it's like 10 years old as it didn't even have a USB port on it! Upcoming this week is the Lost finale (2 hours, from 9-11) and I think Shaun, Jay and maybe Murph are coming down to watch it, then possibly hit up Karaoke when it's over and then casino trip on Thursday. All of this was just discussed on Saturday, so hopefully it'll go down. The lack of Lost friends around Norwalk is lame. So yea if anyone else wants to join in on either Lost or karaoke or casino let me know! I don't really have anything else to say here, plus the bell's gonna ring soon, so I shall leave it at this. Later!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Update: I got the job! I'll be starting June 1 :)

Well it's actually been a pretty eventful past week since Monday's update. First of all, I FINALLY won at poker Tuesday night. I've been playing for a few weeks now and have pretty much been either getting knocked out early or just barely hanging around and gettin killed when the blinds go up. So I played a little more aggressive and accumulated most of the chips and was able to hold and win. So I'll go into tomorrow night's game as the returning champ...woohoo!

Wednesday was a new Lost, and man it's getting good. I know some people don't want me ruining anythng so I won't ruin anything here. But I can't wait for this week's show and then next week's season finale! Thursday was probably most of the week nights are.

Friday morning I had an interview at this place in Fairfield. It's a project manager for market research position and it pays better than some of the other positions I've interviewed for. The lady told me she "had a good feeling about me" and asked me if I'd be able to start in June so HOPEFULLY they'll offer me a job sometime this week. I'm trying to not be too hopeful but this seems like the best chance so far out of jobs I've interviewed for. So when I find out about that I'm sure I'll post something either really happy or pissed off.

Friday night was a mess haha. I went out with Ant, Sal, Janice, Karen, and Sarah to O'neils around 1030, after chillin at my house for a bit and enjoying 2 of my powerful white russians. So around 1130 or 12 they all left and I was like its far too early for me to be going home. So I met up with Jeff at the Loft and hung around with him and some people the rest of the night. Adam's sister Annie came to pick us up since none of us could drive home and when I was told to be careful not to break the tv I focused on the tv and ended up stepping on a mirror that I didn't even see on the ground and broke it. I felt terrible about it and I gave Annie some money to pay for it. Then later on at Adam's house this douchebag, I think his name was Josh or something, is trying to start a fight with people, and I'm pretty sure at one point he told me and Jeff if we missed a shot in beer pong that he would "slap the shit out of us". So yea this was fun having to try and calm this psycho kid down.

So my Saturday was pretty much f'ed by me being an idiot and not having lots and lots of water when I got home. So I felt crappy pretty much all day and ended up staying in Saturday night. I watched the Mariners win in extra innings by a Richie Sexson (FINALLY) home run. They've actually been playing well lately, and since the division sucks they're ony like 3.5 games out of first. Yesterday was Mother's Day and we went out to a late lunch and I had some delicious veal parm. OH and I also for the first time tried flan, and I'm not gonna lie it was pretty damn delicious. So for all of you who haven't yet had the pleasure of trying flan, I recommend it. I gave mom the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack, some flowers, and a mix cd that was quite random, ranging from "Dance, Dance" and "Apache" to crappy 70s music.

In New York Knick world, it seems like they might be getting rid of Larry Brown. I think it might be a good idea, because even though they were awful last year and might not be one of the better teams, they still had far too much talent on the team to be the second worst team in the league, and go through 42 different starting lineups. I'm sorry but starting Mo Taylor and Malik Rose over Channing Frye??? I just hope there's some improvement next year and I hope that they'll let the young guys get some playing time and develop, and stop getting these crappy overpaid veterans.

So I don't know I have some other stuff on my mind but I think I'll leave that for another time. I need to get ready for lunch soon woohoo. Then I don't have a period 7 class today so I'll get to go home at 1:30. I've been working on "The Chocolate War 2", a sequel to a book that I never read. I assumed it was about Willy Wonka and company invading Hershey park, and when I was told it was not about that, I decided to write a play about that. I'd post it but someone might steal it and get rich off of my brilliant writing skills. But yea, if you ask me I'll show you because it's too damn funny to be kept a secret. Well I think it's funny. If you liked my Rocky 3.5, you'd probably like this too. Ok well time to go, leave comments!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Happy Monday everyone! I have that usual Monday morning "actually awake" thing going on. I guess from being able to catch up on some sleep (hey sleeping from 2-12 is quite nice!), I have some energy right now, but usually about halfway through the day I'll crash from only having about 6 hours of sleep last night. Hopefully I'll make it to the gym before I go home and fall asleep for an hour or 2. Or I might wait and go tonight while I watch whatever game's on at whatever time I go. I watched the 4th quarter of the Mavs-Spurs game, and it seems to make my time running go quicker since I'm distracted. Plus I react to the game while running, so it's kind of humorous.

Well first things first, (surprisingly) I got an e-mail from the guy at that job I wanted in New Haven, and of course they offerred it to someone else...sigh. I spent first period today though looking up jobs, and I found about 5 jobs to send resumes to, and I brought copies of resumes and cover letters to school on my thumb drive so I'll try and do that throughout the course of the day when I'm not blogging or bothering (I mean IMing) people. Oh and if you get to my blog through my AIM profile, you've probably seen a link to some videos. I posted them up on youtube, and I think just by typing in mrbean259 in the search thing you'd be able to see them all. There are 2 videos of my grandmother dancing which would definitely be worth checking out. And some other videos of dancing and singing and fun stuff like that. I don't have any comments on there (gee just like on here!), so leave some if you enjoy the stuff.

This past weekend was alright, kind of relaxing too. Friday night looked like it was going to be a stay at home like a loser night since nobody seemed to want to go out. Around 10, Ant said that Tom was home, so I went out with Tom and Erin and we stopped by Adam's new place (which is actually a pretty cool hangout) then hit up some bars in Sono. I found Jenna (who seemingly was drinking throughout her entire softball game she played in earlier in the night) at Rattlesnake, and hung out there for a bit. It took forever to get drinks so I ended up getting 2 at once so I wouldn't hafta get in line again. The beverages of choice for the night were Bud Lights, Margaritas, White Russians, and Jager Bombs (which I puked up, then went back to my White Russians since apparently shots don't work well with milk-based alcoholic beverages). So yea, stopped by O'neils that night too, the usual people around there. Hung out at Adam's a little bit after, and then went to McDonald's but apparently they only serve their value meals at 3 am and we couldn't order from the dollar menu. Duchess however allowed me to get a delicious bbq bacon cheeseburger, which was superior to McDonald's anyway.

Saturday I didn't feel too hot, and actually stayed in Sat night. I might've gone out had anyone called me to say they were doing stuff, but I didn't mind just chillin and watchin some tv. 2 notes on the tv of the night:

1) Game 7 of the Lakers-Suns series was awful. The way the other games went, no way would I be thinking I'd shut it off halfway through the third to go play Madden instead (I lost the Super Bowl to Jeff 31-14 or was closer than the score indicates, but yet another let down for my once proud Dolphins).

2) Saturday Night Live is pretty awful. Tom Hanks was hosting so I thought it'd be decent, but yea not so much. I had a few laughs here and there, but really nothing I would consider really funny. Good thing there's re-runs on E! from when it was better.

I'm sure Sunday was boring and chilled out around the house...I did go to the gym though so that was good, and I got to watch the Mariners once again put up no offense, and lose 2-0. This week I don't have too much planned, probably the usual Tuesday night poker game. Friday I might be going to a Yankee game, not sure yet. Saturday hopefully will be casino trip...I need to contact a few people first to see if they still wanna go. I haven't been there in a while, so it'll be fun to be reminded of what it's like to lose money.

I almost forgot, but congrats to all my Uconn friends who graduated yesterday. I think I might actually be friends with more people graduating this year than last year when I graduated. And also to other people at other schools (I'm not sure when your graduation ceremonies are), congrats as well! I hope to be attending lots of graduation parties this summer!

Ok, well I'm gonna go finish up High Fidelity now (I only got 10 pages left woo hoo!). Yasin let me borrow a book she said is good, I can't remember the title off hand, but it has a funny picture on the cover where it looks like a princess has tuberculosis. So that will be next on my reading binge I've been on the last few months. Kinda sucks that if I do actually get a real job I probably won't spend as much time reading anymore. Hmm maybe once the pool opens up I can chill on a raft or something and read in the nice summer weather. So that's pretty much bringing everything up to date. Depending on the classes I have this week (and if anything actually happens) will dictate when I update again. I feel like all I pretty much do is re-cap my week in here and I'd like to do more opinion entries, but I don't know what to write about or more importantly if it would be enjoyable to read. I could easily go off and write a tremendous amount about the Mariners, but I mean who is gonna actually enjoy reading about a team they probably haven't watched once this season. So if anyone has ideas on things they'd like to see me write about be my guest. I'll give a recommendation for a few songs that I've downloaded lately though before I go, so if you don't already have these you should get them, cuz they're freakin good (I can send them to you if you want):

Boston - Foreplay/Long Time
The Chemical Brothers feat. Q-Tip - Galvanize
Knarls Barkley - Crazy
Beach Boys - Sloop John B
Poison - Talk Dirty To Me
"Big Ed" Nelson - Pickup Truck

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Happy hump day everyone! So today's a tough day at work for me (I have periods 1,2, and 7 off) and I get to go home at 130...hooray! Well I could use a better day then yesterday where I:

1) found out I didn't get the job I interviewed for on Monday (even though I didn't really want it because the money I'd be making and the money I'd be using to commute wouldn't make it all that great, but it'd still be nice to be actually OFFERRED a damn job by now)

2) standing outside in the cold rain at the track meet yesterday from 4 to around 630...probably not the best thing for me since I was finally starting to feel better

3) lost 30 bucks in poker...and I actually was doing pretty well (I was in first or second place about halfway through the game then got all these decent hands that I stupidly put a few chips in for here and there and little by little my chip stack decreased placing me in 4th out of 7 people)

So yea yesterday sucked, and actually this weekend wasn't much better. Friday night me Jeff, Ant, and Adam went to O'neils and it was pretty much the usual stuff there but it was kinda dead and not many people there I knew. Maria Lope was out though so it was nice to see her, I don't think I've seen her for a year or so. It's crazy how people you used to see like everyday in high school or whatnot and now you go months or even years without seeing them anymore...crazy.

So yea the interview on Monday I guess wasn't all that great since I didn't get it, but I got to have lunch with Laurie afterwards so that was nice. Karen picked me up from the train station (what a good friend) and we went to the gym, which was good since I hadn't gone in about a week. I'll probably go today though since I get out early and will still have time to take a nap if I want to. And tonight's the first new Lost in about 3 weeks or so, so I'm excited for that! Kind of sad when the thing you're most looking forward to in your week is a television show.

Looking ahead I don't know what's going on this weekend...probably something though as it's Cinco de Mayo. Which as I understand it is basically another excuse for people to drink excessively...maybe the drinks of choice will be margaritas, tequila, and "cervezas". Next week I think I'm gonna be going to a comedy show with Shaun and whoever else would want to come at Toad's Place. It's Michael Showalter and this guy who I saw on some internet clip that was pretty funny so hopefully it'll be a good show. And Tuba bought some tickets to the Yanks-Mariners game which isn't til the middle of July, but it's something to look forward to. People should be coming home from school soon which is good...more people to hang with and see out in Sono.

I'm also in the process of getting some older videos I've taken on my digital camera up on the internet. There was never really a way to share them online but thanks to, I should have a few good ones (ie Craig trying to smash a beer bottle over his head from my 21st bday) up sometime this week. I already have a video of me John, Shaun, and Ryan singing Bohemian Rhapsody up, but unfortunately the school blocks youtube so I don't know what the link would be to the video. I had it up in my away message the other week and I'm sure that I could give it to you if you asked.

So that's basically what's going on with me. I'm waiting to hear back from that job in New Haven at the Mental Health Center to see if I got the job. With the way things have been going, I'm not very optimistic, and since I actually want this job I don't see it happening...sigh. Alright well I must be going, I'm gonna read a little before my next class starts. Kind of a blah-ish, shitty week type blog this time, so sorry bout that, hopefully my next one will be more positive. Adios!